Best Free Mobile Apps

June 27, 2018 | Episode #4
This week, it's all about four of the best free mobile apps you can find! We'll discuss Credit Karma, Acorns, Screebl, and LastPass.

Let’s talk about the best free mobile apps! There are four of them, and I use each one at least weekly!

Credit Karma [01:19]

  • Credit Karma is a free app that tracks your TransUnion and Equifax credit scores.
  • It is truly free, and it updates your scores every few days. It’s ad supported, but you’re never asked to pay for anything.
  • Click here to get Credit Karma

Acorns [03:37]

  • Acorns is a tremendous investment app! It allows you to invest pocket change automatically!
  • Disclaimer: I do not claim to be a financial expert. I have been quite successful with this app, and so I’m bringing it to you. However, please know that any financial decisions you make are yours alone, and that I do not claim responsibility!
  • Anyway, this app is truly a set-it-and-forget-it kind of app. You grant it access to your bank and credit card accounts, and it monitors your purchases.
  • Then, it rounds each purchase up to the nearest dollar and invests that into a portfolio!
  • It couldn’t be easier 😀
  • Click here to get Acorns!

Screebl [07:39]

  • Screebl is an Android-only app (sorry iPhone users!) that prevents your phone from locking at inconvenient times
  • It detects when your phone is upright (i.e., not on a flat surface), and disables the auto-shutoff feature
  • Then, when the phone is set back down, it re-enables it and allows it to auto-lock normally
  • It also has a manual screen lock feature. For example, if you’re browsing an article with your phone laying on a table, you can enable this feature to keep the screen on!
  • Click here to get Screebl

LastPass [10:56]

  • Finally, LastPass is a terrific password manager! It syncs your usernames and passwords across any devices you have. That includes desktops, laptops, tablets, and phones. This includes Apple, Windows, and Android devices!
  • The base app is free, so it still fits into this list 🙂
  • However, the reason I use it is for its ability to autofill credentials on mobile apps. I hate typing in usernames and passwords on my phone, and this app saves me from having to do that!
  • The mobile autofill feature is a paid feature though. It’ll cost you $24 per year, and in my opinion, it’s totally worth it!
  • Click here to get LastPass

AUDIENCE PARTICIPATION: What apps do you love? [13:42]

Do you have any apps you couldn’t live without? I want to know what they are!

Let me know by emailing or by leaving a comment below!

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