by Anthony Wagner | Jul 21, 2019 | Work, Podcasts
Do you think the pens you’re using every day are really the best? Well, you’re about to find out: In this ultimate list, I rank the best everyday pens from top to bottom using a simple, transparent method. Read on to see if you’re really using the...
by Anthony Wagner | Jun 3, 2019 | Work, Podcasts
If you’ve been searching for an amazing day-to-day pen, you’ve come to the right place. This week, we’re talking about my favorite pen ever! I spent years trying pen after pen, falling in and out of love with various models, liking certain things and...
by Anthony Wagner | May 8, 2019 | Productivity, Favorites, Podcasts, Work
The end of season 2 is coming! Season 2 is set to wrap up on May 29! I can’t believe we’re already two season deep into the show ? Just like last time, there’ll be a brief hiatus. During that time, I’ll publish weekly episodes of A Little...
by Anthony Wagner | Apr 3, 2019 | Travel & Leisure, Podcasts, Work
7 Productive Things to Do When Stuck in Traffic Make Life Easier 1. Avoid ads whenever possible Ads, especially ones on TV / radio, cause me a great deal of stress I go out of my way to avoid them, and recommend that you try this too They can be repetitive and can...
by Anthony Wagner | Feb 20, 2019 | Work, Life Hacks, Podcasts
Next Plans at Current Plans Make Life Easier After leaving college, it seems like it gets harder and harder to make time to see friends. Everyone’s schedules were hectic right after graduation, and they’ve only gotten crazier. Between folks getting...
by Anthony Wagner | Jan 30, 2019 | Work, Podcasts
We’ve reached the end of my New Year, New Business series! I’m incredibly grateful to all of the guests who have come on the show to share their expertise. Thanks again to LaTasha James, Amanda Freeman, and Shelbi Moore. And, speaking of Shelbi, ...