by Easier Admin | Jan 1, 2020 | Best Self, Podcasts, Productive Minset
I’ve been avoiding changing the focus this show from general productivity / life hacks to making online marketing Easier for… well… forever. My heart has been in the entrepreneurship space for a long time. But, my head refused to let me go...
by Anthony Wagner | Dec 3, 2019 | Travel & Leisure, Podcasts
Here’s a list of things to keep in your car that’ll ensure you’re comfortable and prepared anywhere you go. I’ve got some ordinary stuff on the list, a list of things to have in case of emergencies, and then my favorite: the unusual stuff most...
by Anthony Wagner | Nov 27, 2019 | Good, Podcasts
During a time when we have lots of food to eat, and lots of things to buy, I wanted to take some time to do a bit of good. And, to encourage you to do the same. That’s what Random Acts of Kindness 2019 is all about. Plus, I have an idea I’d like your help...
by Anthony Wagner | Jul 17, 2019 | Travel & Leisure, Podcasts
You’ll love this week’s simple travel hack: Whenever you travel, always bring a big, reusable bag with you. Keep reading to find out why! Take the Feedback 5 survey, win prizes! It would be incredibly helpful if you’d take just a few minutes to...
by Anthony Wagner | Apr 24, 2019 | Travel & Leisure, Podcasts
This week, I’m on vacation in both Orlando and Miami, Florida! In that spirit, I thought I’d share a list of things to do at work before going on vacation! 9 Important Things to Do at Work Before Going on Vacation Make Work Easier 1. Unplug all electronics...
by Anthony Wagner | Apr 17, 2019 | Best Self, Habits, Podcasts, Productive Minset
Beat Procrastination with The 5 Second Rule Make Life Easier This week, we’re talking about the amazing Mel Robbins, and her trick for beating procrastination that she calls The 5 Second Rule. The Amazing Mel Robbins Mel Robbins is a CNN commentator and...