by Anthony Wagner | Aug 14, 2019 | Life Hacks, Podcasts
I’m on a cruise this week! So, I thought I’d do a lighter, life-hack centered episode: It’s all about more of the best car life hacks. Car life hack #1: Develop the habit to drive the speed limit Make Life Easier I used to struggle with this one. I...
by Anthony Wagner | Aug 7, 2019 | Podcasts, Technology
Since I started producing Easier, I have folks ask me how to start a podcast all the time. I think, to most, it seems pretty daunting. The truth is, it’s not as overwhelming as it seems! We’re going to go behind the scenes of this show so you can see that...
by Anthony Wagner | Jul 31, 2019 | Life Hacks, Podcasts
Don’t you love dealing with folks at the DMV or Secretary of State? How about bored or frustrated TSA agents, salespeople, or customer service personnel? Yeah, neither do I. Here’s a single, powerful question you can ask to help you power through the red...
by Anthony Wagner | Jul 24, 2019 | Work, Podcasts
Do you find that, when you’re working, you get distracted by every little sound? Maybe you sometimes feel a little bit like Dug from the movie Up? Squirrel Dog GIF from Squirrel GIFs You’re definitely not alone. Those sounds that pop up in our environment...
by Anthony Wagner | Jul 21, 2019 | Work, Podcasts
Do you think the pens you’re using every day are really the best? Well, you’re about to find out: In this ultimate list, I rank the best everyday pens from top to bottom using a simple, transparent method. Read on to see if you’re really using the...
by Anthony Wagner | Jul 17, 2019 | Travel & Leisure, Podcasts
You’ll love this week’s simple travel hack: Whenever you travel, always bring a big, reusable bag with you. Keep reading to find out why! Take the Feedback 5 survey, win prizes! It would be incredibly helpful if you’d take just a few minutes to...