Best Free Mobile Apps

Best Free Mobile Apps

Let’s talk about the best free mobile apps! There are four of them, and I use each one at least weekly! Credit Karma [01:19] Credit Karma is a free app that tracks your TransUnion and Equifax credit scores. It is truly free, and it updates your scores every few...
Feast for the Eyes

Feast for the Eyes

This week, it’s all about a feast for the eyes! We’re talking about things that are bright, beautiful, and colorful. Add a beautiful plant [01:17] I wasn’t always a huge fan of live plants. Recently though, they’ve really started to make me...
How to Keep Up with Laundry

How to Keep Up with Laundry

STRATEGY: Keep up with laundry with mini laundry [01:20] I used to find it impossible to keep up with laundry Folding is my downfall! Doing smaller loads of laundry = less time folding Use an over-the-door rack to hang clothes (instead of using a hamper). Prevents...
The Best Pens for Writing

The Best Pens for Writing

My favorite podcast: Happier with Gretchen Rubin My favorite podcast is Happier with Gretchen Rubin (link below) This is a wonderful, light, refreshing podcast full of super useful information Gretchen and her sister Elizabeth aim to bring you content each which helps...

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