by Anthony Wagner | Jul 10, 2019 | Technology, Life Hacks, Podcasts
This week, we’re covering one of the most amazing, most useful Gmail hacks you’ll find anywhere. One of my favorite Gmail hacks Make Life Easier There are tons of Gmail hacks out there. From improving search results to using one account to send emails from...
by Anthony Wagner | Jul 3, 2019 | Home & Garden, Podcasts
If you’re still using expensive fabric softener that’s loaded with chemicals, it’s time to stop! I’ve got an alternative for you: white vinegar is actually the best fabric softener. Join the Easier book club! I’m thrilled that one of...
by Easier Admin | Jun 26, 2019 | Bookshelf, Podcasts
There’s a deep connection between my favorite book of 2019 and the time I was fired from my first “adult” job back in 2011. Let’s start with a quick story: I’m glad I got fired In 2010, I worked as an intern at a company called Urban...
by Anthony Wagner | Jun 19, 2019 | Technology, Podcasts
This week, I’ve got an incredibly simple tip for resolving computer issues. Actually, it’s so simple that folks don’t think it’ll actually work. Trust me, it does, and you need to know about it. I’m on Freelance Friday with LaTasha James!...
by Anthony Wagner | Jun 12, 2019 | Home & Garden, Life Hacks, Podcasts
I’ve got 3 awesome laundry hacks that’ll up your laundry game. They’re all focused on my least favorite part of doing laundry: washing and folding socks ? Laundry Hack #1: Get mesh laundry bags This is the laundry hack to end all hacks: Put your...
by Anthony Wagner | Jun 3, 2019 | Work, Podcasts
If you’ve been searching for an amazing day-to-day pen, you’ve come to the right place. This week, we’re talking about my favorite pen ever! I spent years trying pen after pen, falling in and out of love with various models, liking certain things and...